Inventory software

Free IT Inventory Worksheet

Download the Excel spreadsheet now to help the IT Manager manage Technology Assets

IT Inventory Software - Computers

Types of inventories:

  • Software inventory;
  • Hardware inventory;
  • Hard disk inventory;
  • Memory inventory
  • RAM;
  • Operating system inventory;
  • Service inventory;
  • Event inventories;
  • Inventory of programs started at logon;
  • Energy inventory;
  • Processor performance;

There are at least 30 possible inventories, with the possibility of creating new types of inventories according to customer demand.

Inventory Of You

IT asset inventory

With at least 30 types of IT inventory, this module is the starting point for analysis. After collecting the hardware inventory, software inventory and other IT inventories, you will have the relevant information to help you make decisions.

Managing IT Assets

Make IT asset management easier and avoid having to spend days finding the information you need. Find out where there is the highest concentration of IT assets, which security policies have not been met, whether or not you need to invest in hardware, and more.

The most complete inventory software in the segment.

Configuring IT Assets

Configure your computers remotely in a centralized way, increasing the productivity of your IT team. 

It performs specific configurations, corrects non-conformities and prevents events that could cause a loss of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Software installation

If you do at least one "marathon" a day to install software. Think again! 

Automatically install software across your entire infrastructure in just 10 minutes and improve your productivity.

Infrastructure Compliance

With at least 40 IT infrastructure compliance policies, you'll have endless possibilities for managing your IT infrastructure, equipment and systems. 

Once set up, in just a few minutes you will be able to identify everything that is compliant in your company. 

Your IT management will never be the same, and neither will you.

Messenger Service

90% is more effective than an email. High acceptance and viewing rates, with the ease of customization when communicating with users. 

Far beyond inventory 

Arouse the user's interest with awareness-raising announcements, information (compliance) and motivational actions, with "attractive" pop-ups in windows itself. 

Schedule when, how and in what format the layout will be applied.


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