The relevance of IT asset management

IT Asset Management: The challenges of the current economic climate are many. A series of budget restrictions impose themselves on companies. In this article we will talk about the relevance of asset management.

If on the one hand the companies were already seeing the IT investments From a more conservative point of view, the current moment demands even greater attention to the issue.

IT investments increasingly require an evaluation and monitoring focused on the return before the expense is incurred.

For this reason, organizations have been looking at control of IT assets under a new perspective, enabling cost reduction and a higher return.

See, in today's article, what the role in IT asset control is these days.

IT Asset Management: The Challenges of Software

Although models such as SaaS (Software as a Service) are becoming more and more common, software licenses still represent important assets for many companies.

With the drop in revenue from traditional licensing, many software vendors are taking a fresh look at the issue of pirated copies.

Without a IT asset tracking efficient, companies may be incurring license violations and even in the use of unlicensed software, without authorization from the managers.

In this case, companies are subject to heavy fines, which can be avoided with good asset control.

The control of assets in technological evolution

Changes in technology seem to be happening faster and faster. It seems like only yesterday that we started thinking about tablets as a viable alternative, and today we see situations where their use can replace that of traditional notebooks.

The same is true for smartphones and other back-end technologies, such as those that drive cloud computing services.

In some cases, assets virtually disappear in physical form, such as when using public clouds. However, mobility makes control of IT assets even more important to ensure that growing investments in mobile devices are preserved.

Asset management processes and tools

The importance of using a good IT asset management tool is only overshadowed by the importance of a good IT asset management process.

Even the best of tools cannot give good results without processes that consolidate their use. On the other hand, a process reaches its maximum efficiency when it relies on the best tools.

The ability to effect change, with known, planned, and controlled costs, is perhaps one of the greatest benefits of using IT asset management.

Tactical and even strategic decisions become even more effective with the use of good IT asset management practices.

It is also worth noting that the waste of resources resulting from poor IT asset management can reach the point of making the company's growth unviable.

Therefore, investing in the establishment of a good IT asset control process can generate significant cost savings.

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